To exceed expectations.

To do better than someone at something ( the person is generally good at the said task).
Omg I just one-uped the humanities test.
by Arcane15 September 22, 2014
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A derivitive of the term "big ups"
(noun) origin - Jamaican 1980s. singular and plural.
1. An expression of support or encouragement.
2. An expression of remembrance.
"Donald gave Mike one ups on a good play"
by Bilbo Bigguns March 17, 2010
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A marijuana smoking game in which you pass the spliff around a group and each person takes one more toke than the last. This goes on till there are not enough tokes left in the spliff for the next set of tokes.
Jeff - Lets play one up! I'll start: *holds up hand with 1 finger raised and takes a toke*

Jim - *takes two tokes and holds up 2 fingers*

Emma - *takes three tokes and holds up three fingers*

Jeff - *takes four tokes and holds up four fingers*

Jim - *takes five tokes and holds up five fingers*

Emma - *takes six tokes and runs out of fingers*

and so on...
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Exaggeration of completely made of story of one person to get attention or steal the others thunder. Usually done by a competitive person
Person 1: She just one-upped me
Person 2: Yeah, she just wants attention.
by nbunch81 April 12, 2016
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To exceed someones expectations

To add something extra to make something better than the usual
I'm going to one up everyone on this assignment!
by Dansysk October 10, 2014
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Well Said! (in confo with your mates)
erm one my exes said this all the time and I know he wasn't on about anal cus he wasn't a fan of the Paris Hilton movie lol!

But if I said something he agreed with or that he'd say, "Yeah, One Up Chic" so I took it has "his" meaning was well said, or that he just agreed!
by Trinkbar_Trina March 29, 2005
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Bro you need that one up.
Hey can u buy me a one up
by Bhavi bhavi April 10, 2016
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