The thoughts of every marginalized individual when they look at a person and they're wearing Trump 2020 memorabilia.

Commonly used in situations where something either inconvenient or catastrophic is about to happen, and in joking.
Brown person: Hey, can I pet your dog?

Trump supporter: (turns around) Sure!

Brown person: oh god oh fuck
by Questionable Doctor December 13, 2020
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shit what was this for again my mate over there said this was the place to put it but I don't remember what went here
"Yo jerry like put that on a mug or something"
"oh god oh fuck what was supposed to go here again"
by Perturbator 9700 December 14, 2021
Get the oh god oh fuck what was supposed to go here again mug.
(four girls in a bikini with big tits walks into Rob's house and he is pure and loves god)

Rob: oh shit OH GOD FUCK NO WAIT FUCK GOD NO AHH HELP IM GONNA GET FUCKING RAPED HELP FUCK NO PLEASE HELP NO, NO, NOOO- (Rob breaks out of his bedroom's window and escapes the hoeslut thot girls)
by XxXdickblue1XxX November 16, 2021
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