When a guy sways back and forth to make is nuts hit his thighs.
I was bored waiting in line so I started to "nut shuffle".
by The big floopy one October 16, 2010
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The method used by old (and sometimes young) men when preparing to eat a handful of nuts. First fill the palm of the hand with nuts, lightly close the hand, and shuffle back and forth before bringing the hand up to drop a few perfectly positioned nuts in the mouth. Technique can be applied to any small loose snack or candy. The shuffle motion is comparable to that used when shaking dice for gaming.
Can you believe Uncle Frank ate a whole 1 pound bag of trail mix??!! His wrist must’ve been sore from all of the old man nut shuffle action.
by ##thatswhatmomsaid April 9, 2023
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When you non-chalantly bend/spread your legs while in deep conversation to unstick your nuts that are sticking to your inner thigh.
I just did the stuck nut shuffle while I was talking to that hot girl over there and she thought I was doing yoga poses.
by Bogu7883 February 27, 2021
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