An expression taken from "buy now, pay later." This refers to the (often untrue) assumption that bisexual people are going through a phase and will eventually come out as gay. It is usually considered offensive.
guy: you're gay, right?
me: I'm bi.
guy: bi now, gay later


guy: What was she doing with another woman? I thought she had a boyfriend.
girl: she's on the bi now gay later plan.
by bluepens August 27, 2005
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It means to live your life to the fullest. In other words whatever crimes you comment today or tomorrow just tell yourself fuck it ima worry about the consequences later.
I understand that life is hard but why don't you smile now cry later
by KBLBJSC242330 August 26, 2017
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Something that tackles retail therapy. Allowing you to make purchases and pay for it when you’re okay again.
“This day sucked so I’m just gonna buy now, pay later with Klarna. Life is not perfect but my outfit can be.”
by HjelmFrilla August 18, 2020
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A person who claims to be bi-sexual, but is really gay. This person will realize within a year or two that he or she is not attracted to the opposite sex at all.
So Carly says she's into Chris, but she's totally bi now, gay later.
by paddle May 3, 2010
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The temporary bisexual identity of a young, naive homosexual male.
Michael told his boyfriend that he still likes girls, but he's clearly on the bi-now-gay-later plan.
by Will J. Pa. May 12, 2006
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Something that tackles retail therapy. Allowing you to make purchases and pay for it when you’re okay again.
“This day sucked so I’m just gonna buy now, pay later with Klarna. Life is not perfect but my outfit can be.”
by VON_Schlippenbach June 16, 2020
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