A terminal condition where individuals believe they have the right to intrude and inquire into others lives and personal business.

In particular, those who believe they have the right to ask any person with a disability what the disability is - prior to any appropriate social chit chat, general neighbourliness or without having offered to but them a drink.

In particular, those with Terminal Noseyitis will seek clarification of nature of the Noseyitis and find themselves here and reading this.

They will now know to ask the Disabled Person to accompany them to a suitable pub/bar and ply them with copious amounts of suitable drink - engage in suitable none disability related chit chat, and then after suitable level of human reaction pose the question again.... if they dare!
What's wrong with you?

Terminal Noseyitis!

Result - google search, reading this and either being very huffy, or getting the message and asking about preferred pub/bar!
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A nosey Okelly is someone who has a rather large nose. A nose sooo big that he can smoke a cigarette in the rain and it wouldn’t get wet!!!
Brad: Corrrr, look at the size of that fellas nosey Okelly.

Chris: Poor fella could smoke a cigarette in the rain and it wouldn’t get wet.
by Tony Guyver May 11, 2021
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The state of ones nose being numb when intoxicated
E.g - I’ve drank so much I have a nosey numb
by Backalleyblowjob1 September 10, 2020
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someone / something that is really interested in something about you / your life
by tilss April 5, 2023
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why are you reading the back of my shirt weirdo.
buy this as a shirt to make nosey people feel bad about themselves next time they snoop around ad read your back
by weavercep November 21, 2020
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Someone who has a big nose because......She/He Knows! Just Ask!
Man joe, ninja like NOSEY as hell.

I asked him did he hear anything about the lotto jackpot?
He gave me 5 of 6 numbers figuring I would not be grateful and use

the money for the right reasons!
by GAIA ELECT LLC October 23, 2022
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