a n00b on CoD 4 who only uses the grenade tube to kill you.
John: I just got tubed
Frank: boot the little noob tuber then
by camazonDamazon April 15, 2008
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A really annoying person that keeps killing u with a grenade launcher in Call of Duty
That noob tuber is making me want to throw my controller through my tv
by Dr.Crunch December 11, 2009
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usually used by gamers (games like Call of Duty, and other shooter games) referring to other gamers who use a grenade launcher.
who, did you see that. it was that f@$^#& noob tuber.
by beankid January 7, 2010
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also known as a toober, n00b t00ber, and so on.
these people usually play COD, and just use grenade launchers, this is most likely because they DO NOT possess any skill in aiming and shooting their gun.
this usually makes others conform and also tube, or just rage quit and get abusive.
OMG this noob toobers need some skills. why cant he just use his rifle. bloody noob tubing camper.

"another noob tuber with no skill... grreeaatt..."
by (AIC)energizer bunny November 12, 2010
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A highly skilled and adaptive MW2 campaigner who sees the opportunity to utilise a weapon and blow up a shitload of whiny assed bitches.

Seasoned noob tubers live to hear how whiny and bitchy anyone who's been blown to bits gets and loves nothing more than to hear the words "He can only use a noob tube,cus he aint got no mad skillz like what I haz" (sic).
I'm gonna blow these whiny bitches to fuckin smithereens cus I love to hear them moan.

Then I'm gonna tube 'em again.

Then I'm gonna let em get a shot off,to let them think they have a chance before tubing the tard out of 'em.

I am the King of the fuckin Noob Tubers. (i.e. I tube noobs).
by Penance4thought April 4, 2010
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When someone in COD MW 1,2,or 3 continually kills people with the grenade launcher only.
"That noob tuber took my kill!!!"
by supawesomecodman December 31, 2011
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Arlo Cash Halloran, or some noob who is REALLY bad at Call of Duty and uses a grenade launcher ALL THE TIME to get kills. Definition of annoying.

Harriet: By who?

Damian: A noob tuber...
by Blake Liberi February 25, 2014
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