some people are stupid....
"arse" is the Australian way of saying "ass"
ill kick your arse
basically the same as "ass"
by skip June 18, 2004
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What bible thumpers use to replace things that offend the jokes they think are real.
by ArcticFox January 10, 2004
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Another Non-Offensive swear:

"C-less Castle"

If you say "Castle" without the "C", although the spelling would be "Astle", when you pronounce it out loud, the phoenetics would make it sound like you're saying (the obscene 7-letter "A" word).
"You know what you are? You're a C-less Castle."

"What's that?"

"Say 'Castle' without the 'C'"

"Umm, 'Astle'?"

by Java July 16, 2004
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"Fetch" for "Fuck"
"Gol" (short for 'Golly') for "God"
"Heck", of course.
Mormons are great sources for psuedo-swears. Check out my site for more fake swearing.
by Shameless Creations June 9, 2005
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