by papepee August 29, 2021
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just no. if you do not know the definition then you should go back to preschool.
Ya still not get it dude?
by lizard boi September 19, 2020
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a. The saddest experience you'll ever know.

b. The declination of something that you do not wish for.
Chris: Hey, do you wanna go out?

Amanda: No.

Chris (under breath): Unnhh... I'm gonna go sink in a river of despair now.
by HueyFreeman October 24, 2006
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A word that means 'negative' In most situations but can somtimes mean yes in a sexual sitution involving one very shy partner and is often mistaken to mean yes when it does not leading to lawsuit.
"Do you like me?"

"...not in the way your thinking..."

"GREAT! let's have secks"

"No I mean it. Please go away."

"...Someone on urbandicitonary sad 'no' means yes!"


"YES!" *rape*

"...That was a good orgasm. I'll see you in court on saturday." *leaves*
by chaoscontrot October 9, 2006
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Nerdy Bob: hey, u wanna go 2 the movies?
Girlfriend: no!
by Nerdy Bob May 1, 2003
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person 1: hey whats up? so u wanna?
person 2: no
by not for you November 5, 2004
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No is no. No is always no. When they say "No" it means a thousand times "no".

Finger pointing eyebrows low. Mouth in the shape of the letter "O".
-"Pardon me..."
-"Excuse me..."
-"Can I stay, will I go?"
-"NO NO NO!"
by LOPcagney November 9, 2005
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