An alternate form of "nigga please" used by non blacks in situations of high racial tension.
black man: "Yo honkey lips! You gonna join in this gang fight, or what?"

caucasian male: "Nizzle pizzle!"
by Honkey Lips February 5, 2010
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the sweetest way to tell someone good night...
"im goin to bed"
"aaiight good nizzle"
by Anonymous June 13, 2003
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An extremely amazingly awesome band from the short part of long island.(Brand New)
by Robby bobby July 17, 2004
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an astonishingly gorgeous woman full of no stop coolness and extreme awesomeness.
who's that?
oh that is just jan nizzle!
by jeanette, jan nizzle November 17, 2008
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A Latino or Latina person who is part African-American or part African, or wants to be part African or part African-American. In the 1971 film, Sweet Sweetback's Baad Aaasss Song, a Latina woman calls herself a "Nacho Nizzle".
from a film, "Stop harassing me with your questions, cop! Get away from me, Man! Or I'll throw a nacho nizzle fit on you.
by mr. stuart July 22, 2005
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