Hair on ur nipples lawl
Guy 1 : Aw man, I just grew some nipple hair.

Guy 2 : I'll clip it with my teeth if you want.

Guy 1 : No homo dou rite?
Guy 2 : Yea sure, whatever you want.
by TheOGDefinerOfWords March 9, 2016
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The ring around the nipple consisting of somewhat large pubic hair. Can grow to lengths of 1.3" and can be of any color from black to brown to red to orange to blonde to gray to white. Many women find nipple hair very attractive.
"I love your nipple hair, can i please suck on it", says the woman.
by b dizzle on the hizzzzle August 16, 2005
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Nipple hairs are the succulent fruit of puberty. They are often shaved due to Nipple lice; being quite itchy.
Jonathan wanted a snack, but was too tired to raid the pantry. He settled on munching on some fresh cut nipple hair.
by TheHandBurgler November 29, 2019
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The ring around the nipple consisting of somewhat large pubic hair. Can grow to lengths of 1.3" and can be of any color from black to brown to red to orange to blonde to gray to white. Many women find nipple hair very attractive.
"I love your nipple hair, can i please suck on it", says the woman.
by b dizzle on the hizzzzle August 16, 2005
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An unknowing or unwanted hair of some substance making its appearence from the nipple or vacentity there of. Especially displeasing when seen on the breast of a hot chick.
She had nice areolas but I couldn't get my eyes of the renegade nipple hair.
by Forplay October 17, 2007
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A term used by the whippersnappers friend group that will be cherished for life.
Keller you Nigerian nipple hair
by Whippersnappers friend November 2, 2019
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