Acronym for "non-governmental organization"
Check out the article in wikipedia for more information on what is a ngo!
by arisse December 10, 2006
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To not be able to handle one's own alcohol and then passing out on the couch.
You totally NGO'ed at that party man, so we decided to draw a penis on your face.
by word of mouf March 15, 2009
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Non-Governmental Organization (ALL those that pay taxes !!!)
I NGO to bank anymore. I owe NGO give your pay to gao ( hay it's only paper money ).. I think it's called a fiat money system. ( or was a fiat a car ?? ) OH well.
by sinbad_duke_of_east_los April 29, 2007
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In Tagalog, a person who has speech problems is called a Ngo-Ngo. Do not pronounce it has Nuh-goh nuh-goh, or you will be considered as one yourself.
Visayan Person- Wala akung pira.
Tagalog Person- Ano ka ba?! Ngo-ngo?!
by Ma Cheh Lang October 1, 2007
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A Vietnamese last name, has chinese origins relating to that of Ng in Cantonese and Wu in Mandrin, all meaning corn the vegetable. About 1.3% of Vietnamese have this last name. Pronounced as "No" in english. Famous people having this last name include Ngo Dinh Diem a South Vietnamese President.
Hello my name is Bobby Ngo, prounouced "No".
by Hazza December 30, 2008
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The phrase chicks use when "No Hung" Nick tries to get with them.

Synonym for "F-off and Die!"
"Ngo Ngo" replied the chica when he offered her cherry cream pie.

*see "cherry cream pie"
by DWP August 14, 2003
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Stands for non-governmental organization. Charitable organizations renowned worldwide for giving out endless Fantas and Biscuits in developing countries.
I traveled 3 hours on a minibus to that NGO meeting and all I got was a lousy orange Fanta and Coconut Creams.
by BBsquared November 19, 2015
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