Nadhi means beautiful river.
Peaceful, gentle, calm and loved by all.
Intelligence is high and loyalty is the most important.
Look at nadhi flow.
by Nadhi November 24, 2021
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Nadhi is like art. You look at her and fascinate at all the interpretation you can get. She is the opposite of mediocre.

You might think she is harsh at one angle, and sweet at another... she is not limited to one label. she is many things combined with perfect harmony but she doesn't know or see it.

She is the definition of wonder, pain, empathy and love. She is the hope you get when you see kindness, she is the strength you feel when you see resilience in action, she is the bravery you embody when you stand for your principles.

She is everything that makes

She doesn't know how great she is, she hates her complex existence but she will learn to love it.
Nadhi is strong.
Nadhi can make it.
by Lemonadewithcream November 22, 2021
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Nadhi is slightly a crack head but free hearted person . Nadhi likes being herself around people and will be extremely comfortable with you. Also you won't find a caring and romantic person like her.
Everybody needs to have a Nadhi in their life
by Xyzadi November 23, 2021
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She’s a sight for sore eyes. Makes your heart skip a beat or two (Jury is still out if it’s out of fear or her stunning personality). Partner in crime. Loyal to the bone and will scrappy doo the shit out of any situation. Nadhi is the only tool in the belt you’ll ever need. In sickness and in health.
Oh fuck… how did I ever let Nadhi get away
by Linda3704 November 23, 2021
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