Someone who is usually in a forum or video game who acts stupid, annoying, and is overall bad. Not to be confused with newbie, which is a person new to the game, but is actually fucking mature.
That guy named (insert 1337 name) is so much like a n00b, and that makes sense.
by Nichtionary December 20, 2018
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An idiot Who knows nothing but what they have herd or seen. He/she will use tacctics to obtain these "secrets" by predending they know and then will get clues. In the End they make themslves look like a total retard
Hacker: Yea..
n00b: Where did U get it I got mine from "u know where"
n00b: Wouldnt want to tell every one else
Hacker: FRIKEN n00bS!!
Hacker Has Left The Game
by xghozt July 1, 2005
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People who think they are sooo great,but missed one thing- they aren't! They even say they aren't. They deserve a slap.
king.375: sellin satf 1000 dollars!
zeenany: get this- its called gp, n00b!
king.375: I'm not a n00b! Ur a n00b! Oim,want this staff for 1000 dollars?
by Be afraid, be very scared! November 16, 2004
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1337 word used by losers living in their mom's basement because another player isn't playing to the level they're on. what goons. LOLOL you n00b i am KING
player: alright, join a health club NO n00b HAHAHHA L0z3r
player: while you're at it, stick a gun to your mouth, you deserve it.
by pilot March 29, 2004
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a person who plays an online game less than 10 hours a day. often used as an insult by more experienced players. also usually means a person who has a job, social life, and friends (not in the online game).
guy who plays to much runescape: stfu N00b!!
by nick eddy August 5, 2008
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1. A computer idiot who thinks they're the best at what they do, but really suck.
2. Someone who is new at using computers.
Tom is such a n00b. He doesn't even know how to use the start menu!
by Crazy Man December 24, 2003
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pl. n. a pejorative term used to show that you know less about a certain topic (i.e. the current MMORPG you are playing) than the person calling you this does. unfortunately, it has been widely overused by elitist faggots and anyone who has used this term later than 2002 is probably a n00b themselves.
person 1: how do you hit stuff?
person 1: nobody has said any of that crap since like 2002. now go get your late pass and answer my question, faggot.
person 2: :(
by freakynetizen May 4, 2009
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