A word used by people that can't finish a sentence completely.
"What did you have for dinner last night mike?"
"We had, pizza and my sister made a salad out of......(long pause)......n that"
by Funeralsarefun June 30, 2013
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A variant of "n__n." The slashes represent blushing marks. Used to show that one is blushing, or embarassed. Asian based.
Person1: I love you, fyi.
Person2: Really? Ily2! n///n
by KelleyW August 15, 2008
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Guy: "Can I get nudes?"
Girl: "N for n"
Guy: "Ok!"
by Rayne_Bow15 December 14, 2015
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by Wolfox February 10, 2021
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n/a stands for non applicable. It is the professional/simple way to tell someone you don't give a shit to write down your information. It can be handy when filling out forms.
by sriracha_dude February 17, 2016
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its literally the letter N

why did you search this up

is this what you have come to in life
by jamaljenkin September 28, 2021
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