Somebody who has potential in multiple fields.
I am a multipotentialite because I am double majoring in music and biology.
by choonboolly February 28, 2016
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At best, its a a toxic positivity rebrand of ADHD or indecision insecurity. At worst, its a con.

The word's origin comes from a TedX(lol) which culminated with a sales pitch to funnel people into an expensive private membership online group. It’s an insidious ruse to prey on people who feel like they don’t fit and are hoping to find their “tribe” here.

We already have words to describe similar attributes, such as multi-talented, polymath, Renaissance Man, but these speak to multiple expertise. To proudly claim you have multiple potentials is simply to say you are a human being, like everyone else, but desire a special label. It's the participation trophy of semantics.

Having multiple interests and pursuits is a common experience for many people, and it's a natural part of being human to have a variety of passions and hobbies. It is not a special subgroup of humanity that needs a label to recognize "potential."

In the most generous interpretation, the term aims to provide validation and encouragement for people who find it difficult to commit to a single career path or interest area, often because they feel drawn to multiple disciplines.
We multipotentialites are a different breed. When it comes to new interests that emerge, our insatiable curiosity leads us to absorb everything we can get our hands on.
by sentient_turducken April 3, 2023
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Somebody who jumps about developing many opportunities. A bit like a Jack of all trades, but more exciting. Grows in many different directions, rather than up or down like a stalagmite or stalactite. Seizes the day and doesn't get stuck in one place.
I'm a multipotentialite. I like doing lots of different things.
by People Daring Greatly September 17, 2019
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1) A person who believes that their indecision isn't caused by their insecurities, but rather their "multiple strengths".
2) A Special Snowflake
That Multipotentialite double majored in music and graphic design. He is convinced that he can hear colors.
by El Jomfri April 5, 2017
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