1. Having a haircut in the style of a mullet.
2. A person of which has committed an extreme fashion faux pas, with bad style including clothing, hair, etc.
Look at that loser's waist high pants, what a mulliter!
by wershan May 7, 2003
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A mulliter is someone who is very ugly, fat, or has a bad hair cut!
Eww that guys hair is so ugly what a mulliter!
by Anonymous May 5, 2003
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one who bestows a mullet upon anothers head by trimming the hair on top and sides but leaving the back long.
Mullitee #1- Hey dude, where did you get the freakin sweet mullet?
Mullitee #2- My uncle joe has been cutting party tails for years! He's the best mulliter around.
by point six April 7, 2009
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A hairy region shaved in a straight thick line on a females anatomy.
I went down on this girl last night and she had a damn southern mullit looking just like a skunk and it smelt like one to.
by Simeon Watts November 4, 2004
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The act of having a mullet and being illiterate. Alternately, being well versed in mullet identification.
Are you mulliterate? ‘Cuz you have a bad haircut AND you can’t read.

Alternate use: That guy can identify any mullet, he’s mulliterate.
by Brass Tax August 4, 2018
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