Taking a random shit in someone's house during a party.
I was cleaning up after the party last night and someone took a monkey dump in my living room.
by Harper Bellows March 22, 2003
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The act of pooping while in a tree.
I was at the park when some fucker took a monkey dump on me.

I was climbing a tree and had to take a raging shit; so i took a monkey dump on a baby below me.
by PENISBULB November 12, 2006
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The man defecates on the woman's chest. The woman throws it back at the man. He beats on his chest and yells 'oh oh oh I'm the dumping monkey!'
I'm swinging from a tree tonight like I'm a dumping monkey - oh oh oh!
by WFTR November 1, 2013
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The act of defecating into one's hand for the purpose of placing said third in a spot that is not directly reachable.
That toilet tank was way to tall to upper decker, so I had to monkey-dump it.
by jbleezy April 13, 2015
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