Where an Earworm is played from when you get one.

An Earworm is a song that gets stuck in your head and replays over and over again. Your mindPod is where it gets played from. You can have several songs repeating on your mindPod.
Andrew: I'm so all about that Peter, Bjorn & John track!

Sergio: Dude, me too! It's stuck on repeat on my mindPod!
by Gryffen July 11, 2007
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Your mind's version of an iPod.

It's when a song is playing in your mind. Sometimes involuntary, sometimes very enjoyable.

Sometimes just as good as an iPod, but mindPods are usually stuck on repeat.
Dick: Are you going out tonight?

Harry: . . .

Dick: Oi!

Harry: Sorry, i was listening to YMCA on my mindPod.
by Skip69 June 10, 2009
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