It's Elementary extended and you hear a lot more cussing and swearing and no one gives a shit if you do like in 4th grade. The girls start wearing shirts that show their cleavage more, despite the fact teachers will try to get on you about that. A place that will make you want to commit suicide, due to all of the mental and physical abuse you go through while you're in middle school and the teachers will just "teach" you shit that you will never use. Parents will get on you more about homework when you would think that it would be enough when kids are fucking with you all day. All of your friends will change and get into drugs more and it may surprise you who it will be. You better prepare for all of the bullying you will go through, from kids ages 12-14 when you're at school and on the bus, it'll be 12-18!!! Middle school does not give anyone mercy, whatsoever, unless you're a fucking jock then no one will fuck with you and you'll be the one who will decide which person deserves mercy. Middle school is (one of) the worst place(s) on Earth and you will have to learn how to survive through middle school. Good luck.
6th grader: Yay!!!! I'm in middle school now!!!

8th grader: Yeah? Welcome to HELL!!!

6th grader: W-w-w-what?

8th grader: You heard me you little shitbag. Listen, this isn't like a walk in the park you dumbass. Middle school is the worst place ever and you're acting like it's going to be great! Well, guess what? It will be hell for all three years while you're here. So unless you are 100% prepared and you are 100% mentally and physically fit for this shit hole, I'd suggest you beg your parents to home school you. Well, it was nice talking to you! Oh, and have fun.

6th grader: Aw, shit...
by reb09juggernaut September 1, 2013
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We're girls lose brain cells and be fake and boy go crazy for shoulders and bra straps. I'm
teachers that get paid to make you do useless tests where kids do drugs and you get peer pressured into it and you become a crack whore when you grow up. Better than being a teacher
by This ugly boi September 20, 2018
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The only place in the world where you get tortured for being smart, average, or unique. The popular kids rule, even though they usually are mean & suckish
Like prison, but prison is safer.
Girl: Im taking art in middle school this year.
Boy: Thats lame, and totally uncool.
Girl: No, Im really good at art, its cool to me.
Boy: But im popular and i say its not, so there! 'points at Girl and laughs'
by K.Kool July 19, 2009
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The stupidest and most retarded place imaginable. Most of the kids are complete assholes, and are trying to look cool or be gangster, emo, goth, popular or a combination of the four. Most of the teachers suck, and are boring, mean, scary or annoying. Once in a blue moon will you get a good teacher. Fuck middle school. High school FTW.
I really want to blow up my old middle school.
by someone4763 September 14, 2011
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The deepest pit in the pits of hell that children between the ages of 11-14 are forced to visit for 7 hours/day 5 days/week. Home of acne, drama, periods, discrimination, drugs, labels, bullying, etc.
by mbkt10903 December 13, 2013
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The deepest pit of Hell between the amazing years of elementary and high school. You get stabbed in the back, spend most of your time alone and in tears and cutting. The work load is ridiculous and all the teachers are constantly pissed off. Teachers have no sympathy because "they're preparing you for high school". Yeah no! High school teachers have souls. Have fun in the worst 3 years of your life.
Middle schools sucks ass. I made it through alive but just barely. My "best friend" left me all alone and I spent my days in a teacher's room alone.

High Schooler: Oh, what grade are you in??
Middle Schooler: 7th :/
High Schooler: Ohhh I'm so sorry it sucks huh?
Middle Schooler: YES!! I want it to die :(
by Rosethorns January 13, 2011
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a jail made specifically for people between the ages of 11-14 so that they may be socially categorized and made fun of accordingly.
1.) Middle School sucked ass...
2.) Hey, welcome to Middle School. We will now exploit your differences and use them against you.
by Becka L S April 23, 2011
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