Mechame is an abbriviation for "Mecha Anime", used in the context that the said Anime has heavy Mecha/Cyborg influences or that the foundation of the said anime's plot is heavily based on mecha/cyborg related characters.
Hey, did you watch Zone of The Enders Dolores?
Yeah, it was a great Mechame, I would definatly watch it again
by Shadowgamers May 8, 2006
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Euphemism for a cat's asshole, named after former Arizona governor Evan Mecham (1924-2008). Mecham achieved notoriety when he rescinded the MLK holiday in Arizona, claiming that Martin Luther King Jr. was not of sufficient stature to deserve a holiday; he was ultimately impeached for obstruction of justice after serving one year in office. A popular joke during the campaign asked, "why do cats lick their assholes? They're polishing their Mecham Buttons."
Honey, don't let the cat sleep on my pillow; I don't want his Mecham Button rubbing where I put my face.
by GOPSackSuckers October 27, 2014
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Someone who is only good at 8ball and none of the other games for some reason. Also can’t spell to save their life
You know Molly Mecham?
Yea the girl who can’t spell or play any game besides 8ball?
by Bigfinder111 November 30, 2021
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