Invented by Kurdt Cobain when describing the Vagina- see {heart shaped box}
No wonder chicks are so pissed off all of the time, you would be too if you had someone putting the meat injection in your meat eating orchid all the time.
by Ryan Neil September 7, 2006
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Essentially, a vagina. Term was invented by Kurt Cobain.
She had a nice meat eating orchid on her, it took my whole entire dick.
by Ice^3 March 1, 2016
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A boy who gets double chicken strips double bacon and double old english cheese at subway but is named bryan jeffs who goes to xlr8 at currumbin city church
there goes meat eating mike about to eat his big meaty subway
by bryan jeffs May 29, 2008
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to eat someone out or suk a guy up
r to say to sumone when mad
kinda like piss off
Jason: Becky ur such a bytch (bitch)

Becky: Fuk u Jason, eat meat
by zprincess aka Mz.Blast July 18, 2008
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Not so well know tribe of space chickkens not well know any way but definatly not for their intelligence as they r quite stupid. All their attempts of world domination have failed normally as they have gotton the wrong plannet or foggot what dommination was and went to have a tea break but then fogor what that was to so sat around for 200 years then decding to look up world domination on urbandictionary but then got carried away looking up rude words untill their mums came home and where severly spanked!
The Emperor Of The Evil Meat Eating Space Chicken Wearing Sexy Y Fronts wants to talk about world domination, and ask how to use the bog again!
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To eat meat loaf doesn't have one definition. It can be referred to about any sexual situation in place of the real term.
That girl really likes to eat meat loaf.
I haven't eaten meat loaf in a few days.
I'll call you later; I am busy eating meat loaf.
by Bean of Doom June 25, 2011
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Here is a scenario of what would happen if That Vegan Teacher Accidentally ate meat:

Carnist: - eating McDonalds -

ThatVeganTeacher: Stop eating meat! You are hurting the ani-

Carnist: - shoves meat down ThatVeganTeacher's throat -

ThatVeganTeacher: Oh my fucking god! Nooooo, what did you do! Oh, my! - chews food - I remember that taste... That's good.... - grabs entire box of Chicken McNuggets and shoves it down her mouth - FUCK BEING VEGAN!!! I'M HAVING MEAT TONIGHT!!! - runs to McDonalds cashier and bys 500 Chicken McNuggets -
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