A person who takes pleasure from recieving sexual pain, and who also takes pleasure out of giving sexual pain. This type of pain may include, but is not limited to: biting, scratching, etc. A sado-masochist enjoys pain, just like any other form of stimulation.
She, being a sado-masochist, couldn't help but be aroused from the sudden pain of his bite, and proceeded to dig her fingernails hard into his back.
by rokkstarr August 16, 2007
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A person who is emo and cuts themselves not only to distract themselves from their "emotional" pains, but to obtain sexual arousal from the pain
My brother is such an emo masochist. I saw him cutting his wrist last night with a full erection.
by Gggyred Cerderear December 16, 2007
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extracting joy from causing emotional pain to ones self.
Zutty: Justin seems to keep getting new girlfriends even though they always end up breaking up with him.
Rothenberg: Yeah he's quite the emotional masochist isn't he?
by Nook Logan2 August 11, 2009
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A type of gamer that loves their games to make them suffer.
I am a gaming masochist I like a game to fuck me till I love it
by ಠ_ರೃ 1997 September 21, 2020
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Adjective: engaging in sado-masochism. A form of bondage-discipline or pain-pleasure.
Bruce and his lover Brian were into BSDM and were a sado-masochistic pair.
by Luigi July 11, 2004
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Someone who knowingly dresses or behaves like an idiot / outcast / douchebag / insert negative descriptor, in order to come across as "different" or "eccentric" Generally accepted to be an asshat by all. A form of masochism associated with film students who wear fedoras.
This tubby fuck in my American Cinema class wears a fedora and acts like he knows shit, everyone pities him for being a social masochist.
by Seano Osaka March 15, 2009
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when u eat food ur body cant handle or eat food that is too spicy/salty/sweet etc but you still eat it bc ! u hate urself anyway and 2 u dont give a shit
"im such a food masochist!!!"

"a what"
"i ate ice cream yesterday but im lactose intolerant so i shat my brains out!!!"
by Transdicky June 22, 2016
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