The potato masher was/is a British wording for the German Army's Stielgranate 24. It was used by every the entire Wehrmacht.

Due to it's shape and appearance it was called potatomasher by the British forces. The video game Call of Duty 2 features this fact. Interestingly the Soviet Red Army's soldiers are calling the stick grenade potato masher also.

Nowadays the German Modell 24 Stielgranate is one of the most easily recognized WWII small arms.
In the USA the Stielgranate is collected like stamps by some collecters. Especially the US soldiers returning home took one or more home with them as a "Souvenir out of the Reich".
by The_Emperor July 13, 2009
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This regional favorite consists of three parts. It requires a person to defecate on another person's face (preferably a hard stool). The person then urinates on the feces and face. The last step necessary to complete this fetish favorite is key. This is where the name of the move is derived. The person then sits on the other person's face subsequently "mashing" the urine and feces into them.
Sorry, toilet is broken. Ever heard of the Montebello Masher?
by Autistic Pornstar February 5, 2010
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Dropping a duece on the sheets then rolling your mate into during sex. (famous in Middletown, DE)
Wendy turned the tables on Eric and gave him a Middletown Masher to welcome him home from a night of drinking.
by BJ76 September 9, 2005
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In this context Muffin means Pussy or Vagina. The Masher is another female who rubs their Pussy " muffin" against the afore mentioned Muffin, for sexual purposes. In most cases a Muffin Masher is a bull dike but in some cases it could be just a one time experimentation thing for a female.
1. Holy shit Jill turned to Muffin Mashing!
2. Jill say's " I've always wanted to try Muffin Mashing."
by The Blade June 17, 2005
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When a guy puts calamari rings on his thing and proceeds in moist coitus with his lady friend.
Yeah, Tyrone gave me the Mundelein Masher last night and I was all about it!
by moremonstermash April 21, 2016
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