Verb - to pretend to be butthurt so you can be an attention whore while gaining the ability to swear at people.
Dude I'm sick of Joe's, imma start marwaning in 3, 2, 1.
'Wow, Joe you insensitive cock, why do you keep degrading me?
by CapedCruisader May 6, 2016
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being fake -butthurt so you can talk about the things you want to talk abt
without drawing attention
look at that poor kid, he hates his ex.

-No, hes just marwaning to get to talk about her
by Mangogalaxy May 6, 2016
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Arabic name given to a man of strong will and determination. Tough and rough on the outside and soft and gentle on the inside.
Stubborn and hard as a solid rock. Good for big level stuff and hard to cope with sitiations. Very challenging and tricky when it comes to human realtions and emotions. On the outside stone cold. Inside hot and fiery. Solid, grounded and strong. Stubborn and aggressive and volatile when provoked.
Marwan Marwaan Marrwaan
by gadolio February 8, 2010
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Solid stone from marou used to make fire in ancient times. Also it means a redhead person whom you can always count on -to have a Marwan as a friend is to be lucky-
by Morning_person97 July 1, 2019
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Nicest human being you've ever met. Always goes out of his way to help. Offers his time to help you. The kinda guy you just like to have around. Always Ready to listen and offer opinions. Good at everything he does.
by Janfromtheoffice March 21, 2018
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Fucking sexy beast, has best friends, atleast one black best friend in each school. Does retarded as fuck stuff. Gets all the chicks, and posses the biggest ding a long in the world
Look, a Marwan! Bask in his glory!
by Eatmyshorts October 16, 2019
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marwan is amazing he is the best he is an Arabic name every one respect him
marwan he is he is the best . respect him
by marwan February 3, 2016
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