the state or condition of anxiety or nervous panic when having to deal with the male gender
dg is having manxiety over jg. oy. he will call soon, we promise.
by HCP crew January 9, 2005
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the unjustifiable anxiety a man may feel about his privileged future often treated by medication
Trevor felt deep manxiety when he thought of the lack of growth in his share portfolio in January
by annamatt January 10, 2018
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The anxiety men give women by existing and taking up space. All of the unnecessary stress caused by men “doing things.” The man will say he isn’t triggering it intentionally, but will then repeat the behaviors claiming he can’t control them.
I am really hungry and want to go into the kitchen, but Jeff is triggering my manxiety. He is standing in there again chewing and breathing. I just can’t be around that right now. I am going to try some yoga first.
by Karen’s twin November 28, 2022
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