Manly Anime = Manime

n., Anime that contains gratuitous amounts of violence, explosions, and men with massive biceps. Very iconic but is fading due to mainstream animes becoming more popular. See Naruto.

Not to be confused with yaoi. yaoi is for fangirls.
Fist of the North Star, Baki the Grappler, and Berserk are all examples of manime
by breenfood April 19, 2010
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1. man who makes a beast out of himself by doing something incredibly manly or awesome

2. a man among boys
1. --Holy S**T! That guy just crushed an unopened beer can on his head!
--Yeah man i saw... what a manimal!

2. --Lawrence Taylor was a manimal back in the day.
by AustinIg February 3, 2008
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A person who is physically superior; a hardcore person; more of an animal than a man.
He worked so hard he was a manimal.

The way he handled that bull it was as if he was a manimal
by Reynolds May 5, 2004
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Manly animes, has nothing to do with cigarillos.
Doug likes MANime. Doug is not a cigarillo.
by EB dude March 22, 2009
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Noun (n) - The inner demon that can emerge when the body's defenses are weakened by the consumption of hard liquor. It posesses the host, causing destruction, terror, and mayhem until the alcohol has been flushed from the system. It has an insatiable appetite for broken glass. At this point the demon goes into remission until the next drinking binge.
1. Luke: But you said the Manimal betrayed and murdered my father.
Ben: He did. He was seduced by the darkest of rums...151. At that point he ceased to be Dave and became the Manimal. When that happened, the sober man who was your father was destroyed. He's more animal now than man. Drunk, twisted, and evil.
by Spanky4679 November 28, 2005
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a MANimal is a MAN with animal like instincts and qualitys such as the heart of a lion and the strength of a bear! He has no fear and stares straight into the face of danger conquering any obstacle or challenge that stands in his way.

The word MANimal can also be used in the gym counting reps while having a monster weights session (check the example)

Also it is a pose called 'The MANimal look
Also it is a pose called 'The MANimal look'
Duuuuude have you seen how much hes lifting! he's a MANimal

Andy: Jaden are you sure you want to bench 140k?

Jaden: Yes of course you know me im a MANimal

Andy: duh! silly me of course you are!! ok ready?......3,2,1 GO!

1 MANimal, 2 MANimal, 3 MANimal, 4 MANimal........
by WarriUGHH August 2, 2011
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1.) A man driven by single-minded, animal-like determination and will.

2.) A beast with human-like characteristics.
That World of Warcraft player with over 6000 achievement points is totally manimal.
by Desoxyn February 26, 2009
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