A wrestler who just got added to the WWE roster recently, goes by the alias Big Daddy V.
"Damn - that fuckers got bigger tits than Tera Patrick"
"Yeah, he calls himself Big Daddy V and wins most of his matches by sitting on people. He's got the biggest set of man boobs I've ever seen. They should make him wear a bra, not those stupid suspenders"

Any massively fat cuntox, who is so fat they've grown tits, but unfortunately for all the BBW websites, they were born A MAN!!
by kissmyshiny October 5, 2007
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When you go shopping for bras your sure to see a man there too and he is sure to have man boobs!
we went to walmart and there was a guy shopping for bras and he had MAN BOOBS!!!!!
by kchgahj April 13, 2004
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Guys: if your titties are bigger than Jenna Jameson's LAY OFF THE KRISPY KREMES AND START DOING PUSH UPS!
That fatass got the biggest man boobs ever!
by Silky Smooth January 6, 2004
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When a lardass's breastesses exceed the size of his female partners, and he needs some support in that region.
I saw a guy trying on a bra in Victoria's Secret. It was red and lacy.
by kat July 11, 2003
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what guys get after eating to much chicken
"Uh oh, looks like William's been eating chicken again. He's got bigger man boobs that before..."
by Gwen Stefani Grrl October 21, 2003
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Boobs, as in the two/three lumps of fat and nastiness with a nipple on top attached to the chest, on a man. Typically found on gentlemen of increasing age and weight, both of which wear wife-beaters and khaki pants too high on their waist.
"Hey mommy, that man has man-boobs!"

"I know sweetie, but it's not polite to point."
by tay lo. August 7, 2004
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