A man curtain is a cape. Such as worn by super heroes and weirdos pretending to be super heroes
"Batman;s man curtain billowed in the wind as he perched atop a tall building in Gotham City."
by J Zee May 6, 2009
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n. 1.) The fleshy curtain(s) usually seen on the older gentlemen whose trouser have ridden slightly too high.

2.) A informal greating to a friend or associate.

3.) A term of frustration or annoyance.

4.) Can also be used in a command/ mockery.
1.) Look at Harold Bishops 'man curtains' they're immense!

2.) Easy Man Curtains, good day?

3.) (penalty miss) Arrggh Absolute Man Curtains!!!

4.) Oh mate, Get your man curtains out!
by Steve Cram February 24, 2004
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A phrase used to describe someone who is in the background secretly plotting and conspiring or also a hypocrite of great proportions.

Derived from the movie The Wizard of Oz
Senator Charles worked secretly at night with his other colleagues, being "the man behind the curtain" of the Senate.
by Roy Fenton October 11, 2006
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A term for referring to the shaft of a uncircumcised man.
The trick to having oral sex with an uncircumcised man is to find his Wizard of Oz—otherwise known as The Man Behind the Curtain.
by rc78 October 30, 2010
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