1. Telling somebody that you cooked your boyfriend/male friend a steak.

2. To mess up by accident

3. To incorrectly cook or screw up a steak dinner.
*(saying 'MADE-A-MISTAKE' fast, sounds like 'MADE-HIM-A-STEAK')<

1. Carmen: "Ey Girl! What the hell'd you do for your boyfriend this Valentine's Day?" Vivian: "Oh! He hasn't told you yet... I made-a-mistake.

2. God must have made-a-mistake when he created the creature that is you!

3. By turning up the oven to a scorching 575°F I made-a-mistake and ruined my boyfriends' Valentine's dinner.

*Misteak= the noun version.
by XxT$MON3Y->M. July 21, 2008
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A phrase used often in the canceled TV show "Arrested Development". The phrase is mostly used when the characters talk to themselves after a serious of poor choices/bad events. It's used to make light of bad situations, although the characters themselves don't find it funny.
MARTA: "I was really worried about you"
GOB: "You've got nothing to worry about. We're going to be together for a long time"
MARTA: "We're family now - I'm so happy. I'm going to call the kids!"
<MARTA walks out of room>
GOB: I've made a HUGE mistake
by DepressR June 13, 2010
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1. An understatement to utter under your breath when you botch everything.

2. Something to say when you realize your preconceptions of the situations have turned up false.

3. Something Gob might say on "Arrested Development."
by dogmatica October 1, 2005
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Dear urban dictionary,

For the word ballistery that I sent y’all, I dun made a mistake on the sentence. I was not supposed to add “though.” I wanted it to be the
Thank you,

Axel lvrmaster
Ps it means I made a mistake
by Axel lvl master September 18, 2023
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