a very large and jolly mentally ill man who is an excellent masseuse and can unleash the fury at anytime. beware of the fury.
by chachabuchi October 22, 2006
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a very large and jolly mentally ill man who is an excellent masseuse and will unleash the fury at anytime. beware of the fury.
by chachabuchi October 23, 2006
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Meet, mary, and mate. Catholic version of animal sex.
In biology class, we learned that some female seagulls m,m,m with other female seagulls.
by Bad C dev March 1, 2021
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M&M, a chocolate candy covered in a hard layer of an artificial color. Can come with a peanut center, or a simple chocolate center.
M&Ms are my favorite candy treat, they're great on ice cream!
by Anonymous April 1, 2003
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smiley symbolizing one who appreciates or is listening to rock music
\m/ (>.<) \m/ That song rocks!
by Richard Spitler September 23, 2007
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person #1: dude im going to an iron maiden concert!
person #2: sweet! \m/ >_< \m/
by Justin Turner September 7, 2006
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Yummy circular chocolate sweets with different colors. Can be considered one of humans kind greatest inventions (with ninjas)
Could I buy 50 packets of m and m’s please
by LuluXD March 6, 2018
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