Short for "mega-retarded", indicating a level of retardation above and beyond all instances previously encountered by the speaker.
"Jesus, you're more m'tarded than I thought!"
by T. Strange July 3, 2003
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The guy who wrote the definition for "Fucking Bastard" must be record breakingly m'tarded.
by Stone Dog November 3, 2006
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past tense of the surname disease "M'tard."
symptoms include:
yelling, crying, forgiveness, psychosomatic cases, blaming of others for a poor life, staring into space for 2.5 minutes, cringes at the sound of singing, likes cats, and is bi-polar.
remedies to this disease:
alone time, psychiatric help, or suicide.
"Miss M'tarded screamed at us in class again today...fuck that."
by big momma jalopenoes September 15, 2007
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A shortened way of saying "muh tard" as in "my retard". Its a derivative of "muh lady" and can be said in a friendly yet sarcastic tone.
Teacher: What's 2 + 2?

Student: Fish.

Teacher: No, it's 4. Come on m'tard!
by NippleFish666 March 2, 2023
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