3 definitions by NippleFish666

The exact opposite of a role model. A person that does virtually everything wrong and is the person you aspire NOT to be in life. A clusterfuck and a loser of epic proportions. If you do the opposite of everything this person does, you will be much better off.
Andy: What the actual fuck is Brett's problem? Why is he the way that he is?

Paul: Brett's what you call a "reverse role model". He lies, he cheats, he steals, he's ugly as sin. He's just a general piece of shit. Stay away from him because he will fuck you over when given the opportunity.

Andy: And I thought my middling 9-to-5 wagie life sucked. At least I'm not that guy.
by NippleFish666 February 15, 2023
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A portmanteau of grinch and pussy put together. Say it at the dinner table on Christmas or at a funeral in front of your out-of-touch, boomer relatives for maximum outrage and/or confusion.
1. Based individual: "Will you be getting some Grussy this holiday season?"

Person A: "Um no."

Based individual: "You are missing out on life my boy."


2. Based individual: "Will you be getting some Grussy this holiday season?"

Person B: "Yes."

Based individual: "This guy fucks."
by NippleFish666 December 7, 2021
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A shortened way of saying "muh tard" as in "my retard". Its a derivative of "muh lady" and can be said in a friendly yet sarcastic tone.
Teacher: What's 2 + 2?

Student: Fish.

Teacher: No, it's 4. Come on m'tard!
by NippleFish666 March 2, 2023
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