A small town in Northeast Wisconsin where everyone is related, and there’s more cows than people. Luxemburg is pretty much the capital of Kewaunee County because it’s home to the only stoplight in the county.
“Hey girl you want to go on a date tonight”

“Sure, where are we going?”

“I’m gonna take you to Luxemburg so we can go eat at McDonald’s and then go watch some dirt track racing

“That sounds amazing!”
by Slim Cat July 15, 2018
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Either in foreplay or sexual intercourse, the act of grabbing both your girlfriends tits, and with your thumb and index finger rubbing the nipples as though you were tuning into a radio station
Mike) You're girlfriends tits are fucking massive
Steve) Yeah, i spunk up just by tuning radio luxemburg in


Simon) Put that porno on James, I wanna see those 2 lesbians tune each other into radio lux
James) sorry no can do, i dont want ur juices all over my room
by footjuice_solutions June 18, 2009
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A german revolutionary communist who has a substantial twitter following who are sexually attracted to her.
I read Rosa Luxemburg Theory
No you're just horny
by 322997am October 12, 2020
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