A nice, clingy person who will never let you down. (Usually someone's last name).
by SamiTheFrog October 17, 2019
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A very intelligent dude who hardly gives a fuck, he likes technology and games. He thinks smart about what he does when it comes time. Befriend him and your life will see new beginnings.
JaTavian Lusane have a good life.
by Mystic Chaos August 12, 2017
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A mental condition characterized by extreme overconfidence and bouts of self aggrandizement. Symptoms include rapid loss of employment, a tendency to compare oneself to Steve Jobs, and an affinity for beanies, particularly when worn indoors.
His lusanity often led him to make statements such as, "I plan to do for human mobility what Steve Jobs did for human intelligence" while wearing a beanie indoors.
by Rod Beever November 8, 2013
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