Originated from the lastname of Adam Stanhope. First he was called Stanalope which was a bastardization of Stanhope. Eventually he was just known as lope which is obviously a bastardization of Stanalope. He is known for being leet in the area of counter-strike and life.
"Lope is so cal-i."

"Hell yea, he owned me in a scrim."
by Thomas E. Peay September 15, 2004
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Keeping Things LOcal and PEaceful when descibing a event to your homies
The coffee shop down town was lope
by RealHobbs January 31, 2010
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"I had sex with him and he had a lope."
"Yes. It was massive!
by Bobettt October 19, 2010
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Acronym for Limp Old Penis Erection. In other words, meaning when you see a beautiful woman and then some disgusting obese amazon walks by, getting rid of your erection, as your penis falls, it is a lope.
That chick is hot!<pointing left> She isnt, what a lope. Oh no.
by Ruben Mothballs January 26, 2003
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a cigarette, referring to sitting around having a cigarette.
Smoked my last lope bitch.
by wang August 14, 2004
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Animal like a deer or antilop, but can also be used as a swear.
Look at all the lope-a-lopes

God damn it you lope-a-lope
Son of a lope-a-lope
by WetFatpssy21 November 5, 2017
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high on marijuana... same as stoned, or blazed, or chronic'ed out, high, faded, etc.
"I'm, high till' I die, loped till' they smoke me!"

"Aint' nothing but a G thang baby, two loped out niggas goin' crazy."
Snoop Dogg
by boom boom b July 8, 2004
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