A male penis, in reference to a blowjob. Penis being the stick, lip being where you you put the stick.
When wanting a blow job from my girlfriend, I ask. You wanna play with my LipStick
by The Zeppelin January 15, 2005
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Something old women put on to remind them that they once had lips. The only young people that wear it are prostitutes (to help them show up on dark corners), boys who desperately wish to be girls (self explanatory), & strippers (to reflect the strobe lights from their awful teeth).
I saw Elton with bright red lipstick on, he wants to be a girl, but instead he just comes off as easy.
by prettyboybobby August 29, 2011
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A sex move where a man has sex with a woman on her period and then has the woman suck on his period-covered penis causing a "lipstick" effect.
by Sulleyvan March 17, 2008
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Lipstick Alley was originally a website for Black women of all ethnicities, but originally only for African-American women. Now it is a website full of people masked in "digital blackface" and trolls who "doxx" people's personal information, and the moderators and The Admin are okay with that. In fact the Admin and moderators scheme behind closed doors to get rid of users they find irritating, it was revealed by a moderator that they discuss members, which is why certain members are always given warnings for no reason and then banned indefinitely. They also have favorite members, who can do no wrong. They can "doxx" and "cyber-bully" and get no warnings. They also love to use the "groan" button to show how much they dislike someone, which shows you how crazy they are.

Biased moderators include The Admin who is the worst, Chris Partlow, DadofSage, RagstoRiches, and a few others. Most of them are in digital blackface, as LSA has been sold over the years. If you want to be bullied, harassed, and stalked, then LSA is the place for you. The blocking system is flawed, it does not work, and if you ask the Admin or moderators for help, they will shun you and possibly turn the table on you and ban you, instead of the person harassing you.

There is a privacy breach, in which you cannot delete your account or data. They also collect data on each and every user.
"I don't like what you have to say on Lipstick Alley, so I'm going to GROAN you to death with the rating system! And get you banned by the Admin and the moderators!"

Response: "DAMN!"
by RanRanChan September 19, 2020
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Bright red lipstick.
Generally worn by high end whores.
Hey look, Jessica's wearing her whore lipstick!
Crystal is thinking about wearing whore lipstick, tonight.
by Whore101 June 21, 2014
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A kiss goodnight from a girl, phrase introduced from a song by Mayday Parade.
by JaceyBlue May 16, 2012
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An exceptionally intelligent woman, who enjoys retaining her femininity and takes pleasure in being sexy. She plucks, shaves, grooms, and wears makeup. An "A-list" nerd.
"Did you see the lipstick nerd on the arm of Dr. Smith?"
"Yeah, I bet he has a huge IQ"
by woolysocks April 19, 2012
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