Female version of BSTL (balls stuck to leg)
Mostly happens to woman with really flappy vaginas
Also known as LTL
I feel so sweaty, it's so hot today... my LTL (lip to leg) is acting up again!
by Vabeem May 25, 2016
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Four key external features that a man of taste first sees in a fit, healthy, and attractive young woman.

Quagmire, a sex-crazed character from the hit TV show Family Guy once called a woman this.
Quote from the Family Guy show:

Child Services Woman: Hello.
Quagmire: HEY, GET THE HELL OFF MY LAWN--well hello lips, legs, breasts, and ass!

Mark H. Urban Addict since February 2004.
by Mark H November 21, 2004
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There are going to be lots of lips, legs, breasts, and ass at the party tonight!
by bobthebobbob August 30, 2008
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