"Man I lost alot of my money last night."

"How much?"

"Like 4000 dollars"


"No. 3567 dollars to be exact"
by TheManlyMan May 6, 2013
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1a. Similar to.
1b. In the same manner as.

2. Used with the verb "to be" in dialogue attribution (quotes).

3. Used to express:
(a) a thought, or
(b) an emotional reaction (not an actual quote), especially when
(c) exaggerrating.

4. A word used as filler while thinking; interchangeable with "um."
1a. They passed like fleeting dreams.
1b. She walks in beauty, like the night.

2. I was, like, "What happened?"

3a. I was, like, What is WRONG with you?
3b. She was, like, NOOO! DAMMIT!
3c. He was, like, crying -- I mean, he wasn't crying, but he was so upset.

4. A covalent bond is, like, when the atoms share electrons?
by Journeyman Writer March 1, 2005
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If she gets your dick up then you like her.
-Creds Mak
guy 1: Dude I think i like Emily

guy 2: How do you know
guy 1: She gets my dick up
by GriffinHeart December 5, 2015
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to calm somebodys inner storm by simply looking at them
by Krkič July 11, 2020
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americans favourite word, in which they use 100 times in once sentence.
"i was like dude, and he was like dude and i was just like.... dude!"
by Fredwrick Shorty September 22, 2008
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An annoying new feature on facebook in which people can 'like' (ie. give a 'thumbs up' to) a status update, photo, video, link, and/or any other posted item on their profile.
Most people are already abusing this feature by 'liking' their own items. A person who does this would be considered a fag.
Trevor Smith: omg, lls, i like my video sooo much, im gonna click the 'like' button so it looks like i have friends who care about my shitty work!! LOL

Me: ...
by that one guy... February 15, 2009
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A word, like, used in like, every like sentense. This can be a habit for some people.
I just so like ate like a box of Oreos now like I'm gonna gain like 15 million pounds!
by DizzyLizzy November 22, 2006
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