I made myself some lenties. They came out pretty good, but i'll probably just stick to buying them from Lenties.
by Leonard Tillerson July 23, 2019
Describing the weather we usually have here in Jew York during Lent, which may run anytime from February 4th to April 24th. It is usually cool, but not frigid, overcast and rainy.
by GuidoPosse69 February 22, 2005
1. A sustainable and nutrient dense snack made from whole roasted lentils and seasoned with a variety of unique flavors.
“I’m dying to snack on some lenties”
“You know, Lenties... crunchy lentil snack? 7 grams of protein, 32% daily fiber...”
“Oh. I thought you were saying you were tryna eat nuts”
“Nah, Lenties have way less fat than nuts”
“You know, Lenties... crunchy lentil snack? 7 grams of protein, 32% daily fiber...”
“Oh. I thought you were saying you were tryna eat nuts”
“Nah, Lenties have way less fat than nuts”
by rhsvr June 9, 2019
Lenty is a person who is goated at a game called Rainbow Six Siege in the PlayStation platform and uses controller
by zLxnty February 8, 2022