(tr. v) Occurs when you accidentally turn-in a DVD case without the actual DVD in it to the rental place.
Shoot, I still have the Good-bye Lenin! disc even though I turned in the case to the university media center. I think I'll just keep it.

That's okay, I Good-bye Lenin-ed! Waking Life a few days ago. No one checks the cases anymore.
by karmamilkhai October 19, 2008
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A variant on the phrase "Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy", which is a child's rhyming slang to indicate an easy task. However, this term is used specifically in reference to the violent overthrow of government, or in reference to the act of writing any text, pamphlet, paper, or book on such subjects.
1) "Comrade, are you ready to storm the Tsar's Winter Palace and install our protelariat government in place of this autocratic and outdated feudal monarchy?"
"Yes, comrade. It will be easy peasy lenin squeezy because they are all fat bourgeois pigs."

2) "Yo man, have you written that essay on Karl Marx yet?"
"No, but it should be easy peasy lenin squeezy, I've read the book twice already."

by Manish Melwani May 8, 2008
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When a male gives his female partner a vodka enema, soaks up the drips with a nice slice of rye bread, then stuffs it in her mouth.

He then flips her around, and proceeds to pleasure her anally.

The trifecta is complete once she swallows the rye bread and cums out the remainder of the vodka enema.

Oh- this all takes place in a gulag.
Jake gave Adrienne a Russian Sandwich (AKA The Sneaky Lenin) on a glass coffee table in Minsk last week.
by Andrew Sundberg April 18, 2007
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Anti-lenin anti-worker bourgeois fascist imperialist is the standard appellation of most internet leftists. This was originally coined by the infamous gracchus babeuf.
Typical internet leftist: I just got called anti-lenin anti-worker bourgeois fascist imperialist :(
by lolzski June 11, 2012
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Marxism-Leninism-Lulism, also MLL, is a Marxist-Leninist ideology that unites the theories and policies of Marxism-Leninism with the praxis of Lulism. Marxism-Leninism-Lulism was an ideology proposed by Brazilian Marxist-Leninists pro-PT and pro-Lula after the coup attempt on January 8, 2023. Marxism-Leninism-Lulism is characterized by defending the total socialization of the state and of the economy. As well as defending cultural pluralism, religious pluralism, ethnic pluralism, and the idea that the state should have recognition and moderate control over ethnic, religious, and cultural issues. Just as the state and the economy must be controlled by popular councils. As well as the defense of the world revolution and the creation of the USSR, USSR 2.0, and the Socialist World Republic through democratic, reformist, civil, and diplomatic channels. Marxism-Leninism-Lulism also advocates the idea of multiple official languages, and Marxism-Leninism-Lulism is regarded as a form of 21st century socialism and 21st century Marxism. Marxism-Leninism-Lulism also seeks to build socialism and communism with the help of all workers. As well as the need for technological, economic, social, scientific, cultural, religious, spiritual, and divine development for the construction of socialism and preservation of socialism for all eternity, also known as socialist eternalism and socialist techno-eternalism.
"Marxism-Leninism-Lulism also advocates that Lula must turn Brazil into a socialist democracy and turn Brazil into a socialist republic."

"I defend Marxism-Leninism-Lulism and the PT's socialist democracy, especially after the coup of January 8, 2023."
by TheAnunnakiTankie June 22, 2023
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A guy with a bad grammar. Leninous is a very annoying person who says bruh too much. If its a she then that means they are very cute and very cool! But if its a guy... A guy Leninous is a uwu girl.
Omg the Leninousgirl is so cute but the Leninousguy is a jerk uwu.
by Nilo-chan~ June 14, 2021
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