A band that is so good that the world shall never see its likes again.
by Fuckhead August 5, 2004
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Ok ok, here me out. Led Zeppelin is Great. but i think they are totally over rated. almost every one around here who likes Led zeppelin doesnt know anything about rock music or Led Zeppelin
Me: Hey you like Led zeppelin?
by Elliotousley15 March 19, 2007
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A very good band.. but also a very overrated band.. if you say you like Led Zeppelin but all you can say is YEEEY STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN AND ROCK AND ROLL AND KASHMIR i luvvv them omgo mogm ogm omg ... you are wrong ... im not saying those songs are bad .. im just saying that you are not a true Led Zep fan.. and you need to listen to songs like Celebration Day, Out On The Tiles, and Gallows Pole and things like that .. tahts the real Led ... and they did not spawn heavy metal... heavy metal... is gay .. and sad... bye
yeey Stairway to Heaven .. I LUVV LED ZEP

by benji March 31, 2005
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The greatest rock band that ever existed who's first album was released in 1969. With Rober Plant on lead vocals, Jimmy Page on guitar, John Bonham on drugs, I mean drums, and John Paul Jones on the bass. Jimmy Page and John Bonham are the best guitarist and best drummer ever, respecitively. Led Zeppelin broke up in 1979 with the death of John Bonham. Every word and every note of every Led Zeppelin song is pure genius. Their songs rock harder everytime I listen to them.
by Cory June 25, 2004
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a good band, but there are downsides:

A fanbase that originally consisted of hippies and stoners but is now 13 year old boys who think they are different from the others for listening to different music.

Most of their songs were lifted off of old blues songs, and some of their greatest songs caused lawsuits.

People generally like to shit on them using both excuses, mostly the latter, as they are the only ways they can back it up. We get Jimmy Page didn't give credit for dazed and confused, you're not the guy who originally wrote it, so you have no right to be pissed.

Zeppelin haters and fanboys are extremely pretentious and absolutely hate the other ones opinion. It's weird how the Beatles, a group that ran the fucking music scene in the 60s, don't get the same cries of overrated as much as the Zep. And i don't hate the Beatles so please don't say i was........

Zeppelin fanboys haven't listened to any other kind of music, and Zeppelin haters haven't really listened to Zeppelin.
Your average Led Zeppelin fanboy: I'm 13 and I don't listen to Taylor Swift or Ed Sheehan, I listen to teh zep
Your average Led Zeppelin hater: They stole shit, they stole shit, they stole shit, overrated, they stole shit, they stole shit
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complete and utter gods of rock.
Best songs (in my opinion) are Black Dog and The Battle Of Evermore.
by TallicaD00d August 22, 2004
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The greatest Fucking band ever imaginable!!
Led Zeppelin pwns you all!!
by Doh Nuts 13 September 10, 2004
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