n: a person who is an easy laugh. A laugh whore will typically laugh at all of your jokes just to gain acceptance from you. You don't mind it because it makes you feel better about yourself. Usually has a mildly obnoxious laugh to go along with his/her hair trigger laugh reflex.
Friend 1: Oh man, we had so much fun! It was just awesome!!
Friend 2: Nah man don't fall for it...she's a total laugh whore.

Friend 1: Yeah so then I said, 'because the frog was stapled to the chicken!'
Friend 2: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!
Friend 1: Yeah I made that one up myself!!
by MarcosR August 25, 2005
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n, someone with an overwhelming desire to be funny, i.e. they feed on laughter.
Mario Cantone calls himself a laugh whore.
by NeonCat September 13, 2005
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Response when the price is not right (too low).
"Blow you for free?" said the laugh whore, "I don't think so!!!"
by Mojo Mojowitz September 13, 2005
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On november 29th, it becomes the Nation Laugh at a Whore Day! So what are you waiting for? Start laughing at them
"Hey! its November 29th, National laugh at a whore day! Let's go laugh at some whores!"
by TheDemoMan November 28, 2020
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A type of laugh, typically from a woman, that is not genuine when used; maybe be used in response to a bosses joke or a potential partners joke, in which he/she did not genuinely find funny, but was used to show acknowledgment in hopes the boss or potential partner becomes fond of you; can be used in a disingenuous way without the other party knowing it was disingenuous; used to flirt without intention of developing a romantic connection; used for personal gain, typically in a job setting
She used her whore laugh when the boss was talking and it wasn’t even funny
by Kelso James March 16, 2021
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