What Grizz's mom was made with.
Grizz: Shortcake... Is that made with lard?

Master Phinnaeus: ...Your mom's made with lard.
by Master Phinnaeus March 27, 2005
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2. A quantity of food (or drink) which may contain caffeine or carbohydrate. It will serve to keep a man on his feet & keep him able to complete the working day.
"If I don't get a cup of lard in me then I will probably die".

"Lard on". (Usually proclaimed upon arriving home after work).

by Stuey Atrium December 3, 2003
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The feeling you have when aroused by food; a play on words of "hard-on".
"Dude, this cake is giving me a massive lard-on"
by Bekabek January 24, 2012
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When you eat too much meat at hotpot and the pork fat controls your mind.
Max had lard brain after hotpot, now he's tripping all over the walls.
by moisttowlettes September 27, 2019
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someone who is fat and lazy like a pig.
andrew is such a piggly lard! all he does is eat and cry 😂😂
by chrustixd August 29, 2020
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A public argument between two fat people
Look at those two having a lard off in the street.
by iwys June 24, 2007
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