It's Mario!
often used to show "1337ness" in an argument
Awesomeguy: Yeah, I could totally beat your ass
Loser: No you couldn't
Loser: X_X
by SCoutofcash August 17, 2008
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An "L-3" bitch refers to a person who is being an extreme bitch; L-3 refering to "level three" as opposed to a regular or "L-2" bitch.
Damn dude, she's really being an L-3 bitch tonight.
by runcstatessell September 11, 2006
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Just. A. 3njoying. Life
I’m J.A.M.3.L
by J.A.M.3.L November 12, 2020
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Someone who is overprotective with her friends, dont make serious jokes cause they might take them seriously.
The boys: *sees someone get r1p3d* k and what am i supposed to do about it?

l.1.f.3._ : keep they same energy when it happens to you ❤️
by YourNewTikToker March 27, 2021
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A variation of l'3 basically nearly the same thing except this explains how people saying that you must compliment someone on a specific day and or using extreme amount of emojis is a ro-tard or a le'Gay type of person.

These people are basically worse then VSCO girls and need to be slained with power of thot slayer swodr
l'3'd the variaton of l'3 an insult to say spammers who copy others are cringe and embarrassing to look at and are more embarrassing than a VSCO girl.
by Roboblox November 8, 2019
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Reupload. Someone who on urban dictionary adds terrible suggestions or specifically about a person or a name for toxic kids under the age of 13, either way, it's an insult.
kid:Fuck it's a l'3;;er



Bro:I'm tired of these trash l'3 suggesters I'm finna ban these l'3 year olds from roboblox
by Roboblox November 8, 2019
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