10 definitions by Roboblox

To call someone a Rapist as an insult not insinuating that they are in fact a rapist. to joke around

Or to say to toxic kids as an insult (specifically kids who pretend they are adults on games.)
Pro skid:Get rekt noob hahaha\

reddit user:Shut up Raperist.

Pro skid:What!@ I'm gonna hack your account now!

reddit user:uno u gay

by Roboblox November 8, 2019
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Being a Noob Who doesn't listen to reasoning and or makes lies to support his false beliefs, Specifically on Roblox.
Go away Ro-tard stop lying before I come to your house.
by Roboblox November 8, 2019
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Define a roblox character as an extremely toxic person who is trash at the game or spent money to get far in the game because they have no skill and these people try to argue that they have skill that they didn't spend money or that they are actually good. Can be used for people who generally don't listen to facts or are too oblivious to what they are saying and or reading.
Me:this kid has been dismissing all my true facts in this argument and acting like he is shouting the truth!

kid:Oh he must be a Roboblox player XD
by Roboblox November 8, 2019
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Someone who is Being cringe and embarrassing in public, or saying their Girl/boyfriends are the best. (HERE)

Could also be referred to as someone straight, but you have called gay because you're salty;Angery
Hey kid I'm stronger then, you le'Gay. Kid replies: no u ;Actually you're le'Gay so stop talking to me homophobic gay.
by Roboblox November 8, 2019
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Free day to finally be free during November without feeling the shame of death.

This day November 14th, You are given one free pass for NNN Enjoy Weebs.
by Roboblox November 8, 2019
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The act of making a really big mistake, fucking up bigger time.
Uwu we're sowwy, we made a Fucko Wucko, sksksk~
by Roboblox November 8, 2019
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A variation of l'3 basically nearly the same thing except this explains how people saying that you must compliment someone on a specific day and or using extreme amount of emojis is a ro-tard or a le'Gay type of person.

These people are basically worse then VSCO girls and need to be slained with power of thot slayer swodr
l'3'd the variaton of l'3 an insult to say spammers who copy others are cringe and embarrassing to look at and are more embarrassing than a VSCO girl.
by Roboblox November 8, 2019
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