A Call of Duty type .io game where the chances of you joining a server without hackers is as likely as a giant meatball sub enslaving all of humanity.
I just started playing this game called krunker.io but this guest keeps aimbotting me!
by bhjbtff tvuy yu December 7, 2018
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an awesome game where you get to kill noobs and yourself
hey, you should play krunker.io
by sub-2-boomer December 2, 2019
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A game where you cant go one round without someone saying the n word
by NotSan October 23, 2019
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A game where you cant go one round without someone saying the n word
Ur fuckin trash at Krunker.io n*gga
by NotSan October 23, 2019
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A game where you fuck the asses of your enemy and quickscope the shit out of guests
Fuck the guests on krunker.io are so trash!
by ARMAGEDDON_12 December 2, 2019
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Full of hackers and is basically pay to win. If you don't have a good monitor, pc, mouse and skins you have no hope of ever achieving in-game fame. Scams and hacking is common since there is no IP bans and everyone is sensitive and can't take a joke. Normal players such as myself simp for comp players, comp players usually simp for streamers and in turn streamers simp for Developers. In general, it is a toxic community and I reckon it should be stopped.
P1: I just played Krunker.io
P2: Nah man you should quit. Too many hackers
by marzy_ November 3, 2020
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Krunker is a game where there are guns and dicks and shit fuck my little dingity dong
by mike ocks long March 3, 2019
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