a person who is prone to steal things...
Warren being a klepto stole rap, metal, rap, metal, and Whitney Houston.
by CustomMadeLT July 31, 2004
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Short for 'kleptomaniac', 'klepto' is a person obsessed with stealing.
"You don't wanna trust Rob with your keys, man, he's a klepto!"

"She's completely klepto."
by Raventooth July 31, 2004
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Short for Kelptomaniac. Someone who collects and/or steals things at random and without reason. Someone with Kleptomania.
Yo homes, that nigga got klepto! Waste his ass!

I want to definte the word klepto on urbandictionary.com
by Bob July 31, 2004
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1.someone who enjoys stealing; a compulsive theif
2. to steal
1. watch ur shit man that chicks a klepto.
2. wanna go klepto some coricidin?
by Gaybi July 11, 2004
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That person that borrows something from you and fails to return said object to you. when you ask them about the object, they say that they lost it or left it at home even though you know that they have said object on them
I lended my pencil to my friend, RJ, but she never gave it back and when I asked about it, she said that she had lost it even though she was using it. That fruitloop dingus is such a klepto!!!
by Vexing potato November 17, 2016
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