Wow Mrs. Sandy kahooter is looking really nice!
by Trent002326 June 19, 2017
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A review game that American public school kids take way too goddamn seriously, despite that the review part is useless and everybody usually fails the test anyway.
We're doing Kahoot in class today, man. I gotta come up with some cool af nickname, and then I'll kick your ass.
by ihaterice October 12, 2015
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The best way on getting an education. Get an answer correct, you're good to go. Get it wrong, you'll won't make it to the top 5 mate. getting to the top 5 is equivalent to winning a grammy. When the teacher puts up kahoot, shits about to go down. same goes for the music. same for the dank af nicknames. why am i typing this. it ain't funny at all but you get the point.
Mr. Smith - "Everyone, it's Kahoot Day today!"
Students - "YEAH BOIIII"
by kahoot_mate April 5, 2017
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Simultaneously the worst and best thing to happen, ever, in a school. Kahoot is a review game where students create nicknames for themselves and then play in a game where you gain points by answering questions quickly and correctly. THe teacher has the options on the board and you must click the corresponding button.

Kahoot, however, has many problems; if you answer one question incorrectly, it's game over and you have no chance of winning anymore. In addition, if you answer the questions anywhere after 3rd, you will not even make it into the top five, much less the podium.
Person 1: We're playing Kahoot in English today!
Person 2: Time to lose after getting one tiny thing wrong!
Person 3: Time to win because I have a fast mouse sensitivity!
Person 4: Hehe, I'm nicking as Jenny Talls.
by Capyb4ra October 14, 2020
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The action verb used to describe the art of playing kahoot.
We were kahooting in history class today!
by teasterwood September 2, 2015
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An online classroom review game that students join using smartphones to answer questions. Because game rooms can be made quickly, Internet users will often publish the room pin online so strangers can join the Kahoot. Kahoot uses a point system that rewards correct responses and response speed.
Yo, we're playing Kahoot in English class today!
Sweet, I'm just gonna watch porn then
by Silevern May 11, 2016
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