A school where all the white people are gangster wannabes and basically everyone is either depressed, potheads, or both. Maybe they are even addicted to nicotine, who the fuck knows. Lots of basic bitches go here and pretty much most of the students are slutty hoes. Everyone that goes here is all full of themselves, don't get me started. Everyone is fucking immature and all the students that go here are fucking annoying. Just stop already.
finley jr high kids are annoying
by hoesall_overme January 29, 2020
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A middle school located in Glen Ellyn, Illinois. It is home to the stupidest people you'll ever dream of meeting. young teen boys that play 20 different sports at the same time that think they're "pro athletes" while also jumping on bandwagons faster than usain bolt running a 100m. 13 year old girls that dress like white suburban moms with leggings, dyed hair, and Starbucks Frappuccino's they buy with their parents money. And the teachers that always get pissed at the students no matter what they say or do. Think of this place as The Arkham Asylum of middle schools.
Person 1: look, it's a kid from Hadley jr High.

Person 2: how do you know they're from Hadley?
Person 1: come on, the kids wearing white Nike sneakers, a Supreme t-shirt, and skinny jeans. Where else would they come from?
by Kaosmaker October 31, 2018
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A middle school located in Glen Ellyn Illinois, home of the stuck up tweens and sixth graders who go downtown even in -80 degree weather. Where boys try hard in gym glass and girls wear skinny jeans under their gym shorts. Where the girls invest their parents money for expensive Vera Beadley lanyards to hold their ID's. Also where girls get dress coded for revealing their shoulder, or wearing skirts/shorts/skorts/dresses that rise above the knee. Where relationships last a mere silent two days reaching the point of "I love you". Basically just a hell hole/jail representing the colors black and red with a Wildcat.
Jamie- look at those girls with their UGGs, iPhones, and Frapuccino's. They must go to Hadley Jr High
by Laurencarrot March 1, 2016
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Has 2 sides. One is the east side and the other is the west side. West side is for 7th graders and a couple 20 8th graders. The east side has all 8th graders and a few 7th graders. 4 floors in the whole school. Fights daily and lots of drama. People getting oss(out school suspension) ada(alternative day assignment) iss(in school suspension) There is always kids giving shit load of attitude and disrespecting teachers. There is a principal that be looking like chucky and aint no one like her. All the girls are technically hoes because they cheat on they boyfriend. All the boys be fuckboys. They be acting like they all gangster but ain’t shit. Great place if you want to lose your V-card. Get STD’s. School was in the news because there was people smoking weed. Peoples having sex in the bathrooms. Condoms everywhere. Fights. Etc. Everyone smokes and if u aint got good stuff people make fun of you. Just how this school is. WELCOME TO UNITY JR HIGH
Everyone in Unity Jr High be hoes
by udontneedaknowmyname May 6, 2019
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Easiest place to lose your virginity.
Girls from 7th grade be lookin like Hoes
Dudes postin Fortnite wins on snap
Teachers be flexin on kids
by ThiskidBoi69 April 13, 2018
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"Gang-free" my ass. Smfh
Principals-"Unity Jr. High school is a gang free zone."
*gang fight in the hall*
by Th0t.$lay3r October 5, 2019
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A poor ass shitty school for basics hoes and stoners. If yo kid goes there they finna be pot heads and depressed
by Yomomma.com January 29, 2020
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