A garment made of stretchy cotton intended primarily to embarass teenaged boys in gym class and secondarily to secure their wobbly bits from getting jostled.
Boys, if you don't wear your jock strap, then when you make that turnaround jump shot, you'll leave your family jewels on the floor.
by Jockwoof February 18, 2003
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First called a "BIKE JOCKEY STRAP" in the 1890s,it was sold to bicyclists to prevent NUT ACHES while riding a bike on bumpy, unpaved roads. BIKE became a brand name and there famous and popular garment was known by most as a JOCKEY-STRAP until about the 1970s when its started to be known as just a JOCK.
Jocks (or Athletic Supporters) were required equipment for all 7th. through 12 grade boys during P.E. class at most all of the nation's schools until about 1985 a trend toward loose nuts (the boxer rebellion) may have been the downfall of the JOCK-
strap in America.
"Kowinski ! Where's your Jock-strap ?
by Jack Ofealot September 26, 2003
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Bernie wore only a jockstrap on the float in the Poofters on Parade parade.
by Cap'n Bullmoose May 12, 2005
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1.) the female equivalent of douche bag
2.) a word that bridges the gap between Bitch and C U Next Tuesday.
That girl had way too much to drink, and she acted like a total jock strap all night.

What's her name? Oh yeah, she's kinda strappy, right?

Fuck you, you jock strap.
by Lefter Gasping February 1, 2008
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Jock Starp, often meaning complete idiot!
Man, look at that Jock Strap trying to hit on those chicks!
by Mr. Ownage April 7, 2004
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an annoying jock kid with the sense that he's the greatest
Hey shut the fuck up jock strap!
by henley512 August 7, 2007
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